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What is Metatag?

  • HTML lets you specify metadata - additional important information about a document in a variety of ways. The meta elements can be used to include name/value pairs describing properties of the HTML document, such as author, expiry date, a list of keywords, document author etc.
  • Meta tags always go inside the head element.
  • Metadata is used by browsers (how to display content or reload page), search engines (keywords), and other web services.
  • Metadata will not be displayed on the page, it is only read by computer.


    |Sr.No | Attributes |Description | |:———:|:————–:|:———————————————————————————————:| | 1 | Name | Specifies a name for the metadata | | 2 | Content | Specify the actual meta content | | 3 | Charset | Specifies the character encoding for HTML document | | 4 | Scheme | Specifies a scheme to interpret the property’s value (as declared in the content attribute).| | 5 | Http-equiv | Provides an HTTP header for the information/value of the content attribute |

    Uses of metatag

    Specifying your document’s character encoding

     1. <meta charset="utf-8">

    This element specifies the document’s character encoding — the character set that the document is permitted to use. utf-8 is a universal character set that includes pretty much any character from any human language. This means that your web page will be able to handle displaying any language.

    Document description

    You can use tag to give a short description about the document. This again can be used by various search engines while indexing your webpage for searching purpose. ```HTML

These two  meta elements  are useful to include on your page define the author of the page, and provide a concise description of the page.
#### Setting up Viewport 
The viewport is the user's visible area of a web page. It varies with the device - it will be smaller on a mobile phone than on a computer screen.
Let's look at an example:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

The width=device-width part sets the width of the page to follow the screen-width of the device (which will vary depending on the device). The initial-scale=1.0 part sets the initial zoom level when the page is first loaded by the browser.

What is Open Graph (OG)?

Open Graph is an internet protocol that standardize the use of metadata within a webpage to represent the content of a page. Within it, you can provide details as simple as the title of a page or as specific as the duration of a video. These pieces all fit together to form a representation of each individual page of the internet.

Why do I need it?

It is used to create preview of your content.This will help encourage people to check out your content and inevitably click through to your content. Just like a facebook post of websites where you can see how nicely the preview of your content is made. For example: OG example


|Tags|Description| |:———:|:———:| | og:title | This is typically the same as your webpage’s title tag unless you’d like to present it differently. |
| og:type | The “type” of website you have. | | og:image | This should be a link to an image that you’d like to represent your content. It should be a high resolution image that the social networks will use in their feeds.| | og:url | This should be the URL of the current page.| | og:site_name | The name of the overall website your content is on. Suppose if you’re on a blog post page, you might have a title using that blog post’s title, where the site_name would be the name of your blog.|

Social media networks using open graph

Most of the social networks adhere to the basics of open graph standards, but a few of them also include their own extension to help customize the look and feel within their ecosystem.

Twitter for instance, allows you to specify twitter:card, which is the type of “card” you can use when they show your website. At this time, their card types include:

  • summary
  • summary_large_image
  • app
  • player So you need to look documentation of specific site to add social media links .